General Category => Discussions about specific materials => Topic started by: desistence on October 29, 2009, 04:02:38 AM

Title: we live in a beautiful world
Post by: desistence on October 29, 2009, 04:02:38 AM
As strange as it may sound I think that of all slideshows I have seen so far we live in a beautiful world is the most characteristic of you. In a good way I mean. Without the opening text it was a slideshow about a collection of road accidents, but in your perspective roads are the reification of the human domination and so the slideshow is about much more than roadkills, it's the manifestation of the Homo sapiens world occupation.
Title: Re: we live in a beautiful world
Post by: No more suffer on October 29, 2009, 07:13:31 AM
You probably haven’t seen the article occupied territory yet, if you felt like this about this slideshow I wonder what you would think about that one
Title: Re: we live in a beautiful world
Post by: Mr.Derp on July 09, 2011, 05:12:50 AM
We live in a very beautiful world, but it is being corrupted, raped by the various corporations, of all sorts. Lego is one that has pledged not to use any rainforest elements in their product. Let's hope others will follow suit. I personally have seen the effects of man engaging nature in an abrasive way. I live in an area that was listed as one of the top growing areas a few years ago. I go on walks, sometimes very long, for the whole day. I mostly like the excitement of walking on the side of a highway, knowing that if any of these cars had a malfunction of some sort I'd be screwed. Well, and nothing, no drug, maybe ether, is as beautiful and as intense of a speeding 18-wheeler passing by you, just a few feet away. You haven't lived till you've experienced that, let me tell you. Although, it is someone either brave or foolhardy. On subject though, I mostly go on walks to exercise the 2 dogs that I help take care of (Charlie the mastiff, and Derpadog the Hungarian Kuvasz, that we adopted at a rescue shelter for abused animals), and to take pictures, listen to music, and have a good time. I should probably get an actual camera instead of using the Ipod cam, for better quality. I've noticed degredation of man-made structures in areas where men weren't often working. Seeing nature prevail over metal is a beautiful thing. It is sad that we have rapid expansion of the cities. I live in a semi-rural suburban area, so I can typically get a decent natural feeling sometimes. My parents, who have various issues with me, might remove me, but I will always have nature. It is one of the few things that make this a beautiful world.
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